Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 13 & 14: Choosing Your Wingman

At the very top of the list of things necessary for a successful multi-site ministry is having the right person to be your lead staff for the new campus. It is a make or break decision. This person, whether they are a campus pastor, program director, or administrator, is the one who will carry the ball most days for the new site. He or she is the one who will do most of the heavy lifting, connect with new people, create the systems, and initiate the changes that will lead to new growth.
As the lead pastor of a multi-site ministry, this has got to be your decision. Consult with other church leaders all you want, but at the end of the day,you have to have absolute confidence in the person launching the new ministry. Direct hire if you can. If you are in an appointment system, then do your homework, work with your supervisors, be clear on what you need in a campus pastor, and if it doesn't feel right, then say no!
Here are some of the qualities I think are necessary for lead staff at a new site:
  • A sold-out commitment to the mission and core values of your ministry. They have to get it, and want it, as much as you do!
  • A solid trust that they have your back and will support you in making tough decisions.
  • A willingness to challenge your ideas, bring better ideas to the table,and push you to do better, be better, and dig deeper than you would on your own.
  • This person has to be someone you can trust to step into the leadership of the whole operation in your absence.
  • They must be confident enough to sit in the lead chair and comfortable enough to be in the second.
  • You would go to "their church" if you could. Could they be "your pastor?"
  • This person must possess a deep love of God, sincere compassion for people, a strong commitment to Christ, and an impeccable integrity of character.
  • Chemistry - it has to feel right in your heart and in your gut! (Trust your instincts on this one!)
I say all of this because I got to go over and watch "my wingman," The Reverend Dr. Frederick Sampson III, in action this morning. Services at the Redford campus start at 10 a.m., and they begin at the West Outer Drive campus at 11 a.m.; so by 11:30, I was able to sneak into the back and take in the last half of worship. 

All I can say is a peace washed over me this morning. 

Frederick is talented beyond measure. He is throwing his whole self into the opportunity and dealing with everything, and I mean everything, coming his way. He is making ministry happen with little to no resources. He has vision. He loves God and loves the people of the West Outer Drive Community as if he has been their pastor for years. He is good. Very, very good! You should come and check out worship at West Outer Drive and you will see what I mean.
There are a lot of things to figure out in this new venture, but who is going to be the leader of the new campus is not one of them! Thank you,God, for bringing Frederick our way....we would not be doing this without him.

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