Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 34: Why I haven't written in two weeks?

I have not written a blog post in over two weeks.  And here is why.  I hit it!  I knew I would, I just didn’t know when and frankly, I didn’t expect it so early.  Bit I hit it nonetheless.

What am I talking about? 

The Dip.  I hit The Dip.

The Dip it is that inevitable moment after the initial launch when things start to settle and the real issues start to emerge.  The Dip comes after the opening party is over.  The Dip comes after the initial press release has been released.  The Dip comes when all the hype and hoopla has died down.  It comes when you wake up one morning and you realize that there are more questions than there are answers, more things that need to get done than hours in the day, more things that need to be fixed than dollars to fix them.  It is when you wake up and stare at a blank computer screen because you are not sure you have anything interesting to blog about.  It is The Dip.

The Dip is the season of really, really, really hard work. 

I write this watching the Summer Olympics.  There is something just really fun about watching world class athletes perform at the absolute top of their game.  They make it look so easy – so easy that you think, for a minute, that anybody can do a Reverse 2 ½ somersault off a diving board and enter the water with absolutely no splash. 

What the Olympics doesn’t show you is that at some point on the road to London every one of these competitors hit The Dip.  They hit that moment when it got tough – that moment when it would have been easier to sleep in rather than train – that moment when others were going to go hang out with friends but they were headed to the gym – that moment when they weren’t sure they could do it any better, any faster, any higher, any stronger than they were doing it at that moment.

Every Olympic athlete is standing where they are today because they successfully navigated the dip.  And there is only one-way through The Dip.  It’s through the Dip.

You get up.  You go to work.  You do the next right thing.   You make a list.  You check something off your list.  You make a call.  You write an email.  You solve a problem.  You do your best.  You make mistakes.  You get up the next morning and you do it all again.

And when you are not sure what to write for your blog – you write something anyways!

To all of my friends out there trying to do cutting edge, vital, transformational ministry - let's push through The Dip! 
We are in this together!

Seth Godin talks about The Dip

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, you are ready to navigate the dip because you are wise enough to know about the dip! Keep the faith, Brother. May God strengthen you and sustain you through this perilous time of doubt and fatigue.
