Thursday, June 28, 2012

Days - 5 & - 4: Paying the Rent

There was no question about what to write today.  With less than a week before the launch I suddenly found myself with four funerals in three days!

Funny, nobody consulted me as to whether or not this was a good week for their funeral.  Didn’t they know that my plate was completely full and “my plan” was all ready in place for the week?  But here I am, with four funerals in three days (and a new church to launch in five!)

In planting a second site, you become aware very quickly that you are doing it while making sure the first site remains vibrant.  In fact, at the beginning, the strength of the launching church is what provides so much of the energy to make the second site possible.  So you have to take care of the existing church while birthing the new one.  

Sounds pretty elementary, doesn't' it? But it is pretty easy to forget.  Then all of sudden you have four funerals in three days – and let’s just say you are reminded.

Paying the rent.  It was the first lesson my first senior pastor drilled into us at my first appointment.  “Pay the rent and you will be able to try some new things around here….don’t pay it and you’ll be done before you even get started.”

What is rent?  It’s what keeps the lights on and doors open.  Its what keeps the home fires burning and the goodwill flowing.  It’s the cost of doing business. 

And in this business rent is the care for people.  

Rent is phone calls and visits when people are sick or in the hospital.  It’s responding to emails in a timely fashion.  It’s going to potlucks, spending time with retirees and making sure you don’t forget to send a card to the shut-in who turned 94 yesterday. It’s rent.  It’s people.  It’s what makes ministry happen.

When the rent is paid, even the folks who are not sure about this "new thing" you are attempting, are still apt to support you.  If the rent is unpaid, you are going it alone.

So this week I have rent to pay.  I suppose I could get all frazzled about my plans being upset, but I have to tell you, paying the rent is the best part of this job!  It is why I got into this in the first place.  

The second site will launch in four days and it will do so now with the memory of these four, now departed, saints fresh in our memory.  Something tells me they will be cheering us on!

Something to think about this week:  Are you clear about "the rent" that needs to be paid in your ministry site and are you willing to pay it? 

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you and this amazing ministry! I can relate in a personal way to the intentionality it takes to continuing doing one thing while trying to birth something else. Amazingly our toddler isn't taking the next two months off to let his pregnant mom relax while waiting on the arrival of his brother. Nope. I'm paying rent over here too. Finding time to spend with him specifically, cheering when he uses the potty (!), encouraging him while he's helping in the kitchen, and finding space for him on my ever-disappearing lap to read lots of books. I'm with you, bro!
